PHCC Academy – Online Plumbing & HVAC Apprenticeship
The PHCC Educational Foundation offers online plumbing and HVACR apprentice courses for those who need a flexible, non-classroom training option. This program is recognized by the U.S. Department of Labor, Employment & Training Administration, Office of Apprenticeship as an approved alternative for apprentice instruction. Each course provides the equivalent of one year of classroom training.
The PHCC Academy courses ensure a consistent and high-quality training experience for companies that train multiple apprentices over time. Industry experts develop the course materials, and all training is delivered through a user-friendly Learning Management System (LMS) designed for easy access and navigation.
How to Enroll
To successfully enroll and guide apprentices through the program, you will need the tools and forms below.
Submit all forms and questions to:
Adria Jones at
Below are the tools you will need to successfully enroll and guide apprentices through the program. Please submit all forms and questions to Adria Jones at
Work Force Readiness: (Currently FREE)
The Plumbing and HVACR Workforce Readiness Course provides individuals with an introduction to working in the plumbing industry.
The course is perfect for deciding which career path a new hire is most interested in, career changers, industry support staff, new individuals to the trades and those interested in the plumbing-heating-cooling industry. Your registration will be active for 90 days.
NEW! PHCC Academy Finance Management
Members $199, Non-Members $299
The Finance Management course is designed to provide a self-directed, online training solution for new contractors, business owners, and their office staff who need to learn the concepts and skills necessary for managing their business finances. This course may be beneficial for those who are new to finance management or for those who want to refresh their skills. The course includes 9 online training modules critical for the success of today’s finance professionals.

Finance Management in the Trades - Apprenticeship
Plumbing Pre-Apprentice Program - $29.00
Fast Track to Service & Repair Plumbing
“A training course for service contractors by service contractors.”
HVACR Pre-Apprentice Program - $29.00
Fast Track to Service & Repair HVACR
“A training course for service contractors by service contractors.”
Employer Administrator Login (must be registered)
Student Login (must be registered)